
Aditya Murthy


Office : Ground floor of PRL at Central Animal Facility
Phone : +91 80 2293 3290
E-Mail : adi[at]iisc.ac.in
web : www.cns.iisc.ac.in/aditya/

Research Areas

Movement Control

Research Details

The brain is the most complex information processing systems known to man and considerable neural machinery is devoted to movement planning. While movements in robots can be superior to naturally occurring movements in terms of speed and accuracy, they are still relatively primitive when it comes to mimicking natural behaviours that occur in unpredictable and unstructured environments. Our lab studies the neural and computational basis of movement planning and control with an emphasis to understand the basis of flexibility and control that is the hallmark of intelligent action. From the perspective of behaviour we seek to understand the nature of computations that enable movement control; from the perspective of the brain we seek to understand the contribution of circumscribed neural circuits to motor behaviour; and by recording the electrical activity of neurons and muscles we seek to understand how such computational processes are implemented by the brain. Our research interests span the fields of visual perception, decision-making, and the generation of motor behaviour and involve the application of cognitive/psychophysical, neuropsychological and electrophysiological techniques. We anticipate that in the long term this work will be useful to understand the basis of different motor disorders and develop brain machine interface systems that are only beginning to be exploited as engineering and brain sciences are starting to increasingly interface.


Varsha V, Radhakant P, Murthy A., (2024), Modeling kinematic variability reveals displacement and velocity-based dual control of saccadic eye movements, Experimental Brain Research

Varsha V, Atul Gopal, Sumitash Jana, Radhakant Padhi, Aditya Murthy, (2023), Velocity tracking control best explains the modulation of saccade kinematics during eye-hand coordination., Eur. J Neurosci.

Satya Rungta, Aditya Murthy. , (2023), Context-specific early recruitment of small motor units in the shoulder muscle reflects a reach movement plan., J. Neurophysiology

Basu D., Sendhilnathan N. and Aditya Murthy, (2022), Neck muscle activity reflects neural patterns of sequential saccade planning in head-restrained primates., Journal of Neurophysiology (accepted)

Sharma, M., Gaddam, N., Umesh, T., Murthy, A., Ghosh, P.K., (2021), A Comparative Study of Different EMG Features for Acoustics-to-EMG Mapping, Proc. Interspeech, 2021, 616-620.

Basu D., Sendhilnathan N., Murthy A., (2021), Neural mechanisms underlying the temporal control of sequential saccade planning in the frontal eye field., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A., (accepted)

Jana Sumitash, Gopal Atul PA. and A. Murthy, (2021), Computational mechanisms mediating inhibitory control of coordinated eye-hand movements, Brain Sciences, 11(5), 607

Varsha V., Aditya Murthy, and Radhakant Padhi, (2021), A stochastic velocity tracking optimal control model with internal feedback for saccadic eye movements, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 68,, 102679

Jana, Sumitash, and Aditya Murthy, (2021), Spatiotemporal coupling between eye and hand trajectories during curved hand movements, Journal of Motor Behavior, 53(1):, 47-58

Sendhilnathan N., Basu D., Goldberg M.E., Schall J.D. and Aditya Murthy, (2021), Neural correlates of goal-directed and non-goal-directed movements, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118, (6).

KA Zhivago, LS Sneha, Ranjini Garani, Simran Purokayastha, Naren P Rao, Aditya Murthy, Arun SP, (2020), Perceptual priming can increase or decrease with ageing, Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience

Sendnilnathan N., Basu D. and A. Murthy., (2020), Assessing within-trial and across-trial neural variability in macaque frontal eye fields and their relation to behavior, Eur. Journal of Neuroscience

Basu Debaleena and A. Murthy, (2020), Parallel programming of saccades in the macaque frontal eye field: are sequential motor plans co-activated?, Journal of Neurophysiology, 123(1):, 107-119

Sendhilnathan N., Basu D., Goldberg M.E., Schall J.D. and Aditya Murthy, (2019), Neural correlates of goal-directed and non-goal-directed movements, biorxiv, 843011.

Puneet Singh, Ketan Jhunjhunwala, Albert Stezin, Abhishek Lenka, Pramod Kumar Pal, Ashitava Ghosal, Aditya Murthy, (2019), Basal ganglia contributions during the learning of a visuomotor rotation: effect of dopamine, deep brain stimulation and reinforcement, European Journal of Neuroscience, 50(8):, 3349-3364

Verbruggen, F., Aron, A. R., Band, G. P., Beste, C., Bissett, P. G., Brockett, A. T.,… Murthy, A., … Boehler, C. N., (2019), A consensus guide to capturing the ability to inhibit actions and impulsive behaviors in the stop-signal task., ELife, 8, e46323

Sharath Umesh,Shweta Pant,Srivani Padmaa, Sumitash Jana, Varsha Vasudevan, Aditya Murthy, Sundarrajan Asokan , (2019), A novel Fibre-Bragg grating system for eye tracking, Journal of Advanced Research, 16: , 24-34

Jana S. and Murthy A, (2018), Task context determines whether common or separate inhibitory signals underlie the control of eye-hand movements., Journal of Neurophysiology , 120:, 1695-1711

Venkataratamani PV and Murthy A, (2018), Distinct mechanisms explain the control of reach speed planning: evidence from a race model framework, Journal of Neurophysiology, 120:, 1293-1306

Sharath Umesh, Shweta Pant, Srivani Padma Goggi, Sundarrajan Asokan, Sumitash Jana, Varsha Vasudevan and Murthy A., (2018), Method and device for tracking eye movement of a subject, Indian Provisional Patent, 201841002316

Venkataratamani PV, Gopal Atul PA, Murthy A., (2018), An independent race model involving an abort and re-plan strategy explains reach redirecting movements during planning and execution, European Journal of Neuroscience, 47:, 460-478

Jana Sumitash, Gopal Atul PA. and Murthy A., (2017), A Computational Framework for Understanding Eye–Hand Coordination, J. Indian Inst. Sci., 97(4): , 543–554

Varsha V, Radhakant Padhi, Murthy A, (2017), A Stochastic Feedback Model to Simulate Saccadic Eye Movement Variability, IFAC-PapersOnLine, Volume 50, Issue 1,, 13521-13525

Gopal Atul PA, Jana Sumitash and Murthy A., (2017), Contrasting speed accuracy trade-offs for eye and hand movements reveal the optimal nature of saccade kinematics, J. Neurophysiology , 118(3):1664-1676

Sendnilnathan N., Basu D., and Murthy A., (2017), Simultaneous analysis of the LFP and spiking activity reveals essential components of a visuomotor transformation in the frontal eye field, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 114 (24) : 6370-6375

Bhutani N., Sengupta S., Basu D., Prabhu N. and Murthy A., (2017), Parallel activation of prospective motor plans during the planning of sequential saccades, European Journal of Neuroscience, 45 : 631-642

Pouget P, Murthy A, and Stuphorn V., (2017), Cortical control and performance monitoring of interrupting and redirecting movements, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Soc., (B) 372: 20160201

Sumitash J, Gopal Atul PA, and Murthy A., (2017), Evidence of common and separate eye and hand accumulators underlying flexible eye-hand coordination, J. Neurophysiology, 117(1) : 348-364

Singh P., Ghosal A. and Murthy A., (2016), Exploration of joint redundancy but not task space variability facilitates supervised motor learning, Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. (USA), 113(50) : 14414-19

Gopal Atul P. and Murthy A., (2016), A common control signal and a ballistic stage can explain the control of coordinated eye-hand movements., J. Neurophysiology , 115(5): 2470-84

Gopal Atul P. and Murthy A., (2015), Eye-hand coordination during a double-step task: evidence for a common stochastic accumulator, J. Neurophysiology , 114(3), 1438-1454.

Sharika KM, and Murthy A. , (2015), Contextual modulation during the planning of sequential saccades, Journal of Vision, 15(2), 23-23.

Gopal Atul PA., Vishwanathan P. and Murthy A., (2015), A common stochastic accumulator with effector-dependent noise can explain eye-hand coordination, Journal of neurophysiology, 113(7), 2033-2048.

Sharika KM, Ramakrishnan, A. and Murthy A., (2014), Use of exocentric and egocentric representations in the concurrent planning of sequential saccades, Journal of Neuroscience , 34(48), 16009-16021.

Bhutani N, Sureshbabu Ramakrishnan, A. Farooqui A, Behari M, Goyal V, and Murthy A. , (2013), Queuing of concurrent movement plans by basal ganglia, Journal of Neuroscience , 33(24), 9985-9997

Ramakrishnan, A. and Murthy A. , (2013), Brain Mechanisms for decision-making and motor control, Progress in Brain Research, 202, 321-345.

Sharika KM, Neggers SF, Gutteling TP, Van der Stigchel S, Dijkerman HC, Murthy A., (2013), Proactive control of sequential saccades in human supplementary eye field, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. , 110(14), 1311-1320.

Bhutani N, Ray S, and Murthy A., (2012), Is saccade averaging determined by visual processing or movement planning?, Journal of neurophysiology, 108(12), 3161-3171.

Ray S., Bhutani N and Murthy A., (2012), Mutual inhibition and capacity sharing during parallel preparation of serial eye movements, Journal of Vision, 12(3), 17-17.

Ramakrishnan, A., Sureshbabu Ramakrishnan and Murthy A., (2012), Understanding how the brain changes its mind: microstimulation in the macaque frontal eye field reveals how saccade plans are changed, Journal of Neuroscience., 32(13), 4457- 4472.

Ray S., Bhutani N., V. Kapoor and Murthy A., (2011), Trans-saccadic integration of visual and motor processing during sequential eye movements, Experimental Brain Research, 215(1), 13-25.

Farooqui AA, Bhutani N, Kulashekhar S, Behari M, Goel V, Murthy A., (2011), Impaired conflict monitoring in Parkinson’s disease patients during an oculomotor redirect task, Exp Brain Res., 208(1), 1-10.

Ramakrishnan A, Chokhandre S, Murthy A., (2010), Voluntary control of multi-saccade gaze shifts during movement preparation and execution, J. Neurophysiology, 103(5), 2400-2416.

K.M. Sharika, Supriya Ray and Murthy A., (2009), Attention for Action during Error Correction, Progress in Brain Research, 176, 227-244.

Murthy A, Ray S, Shorter SM, Schall JD,Thompson KG, (2009), Neural Control of Visual Search by Frontal Eye Field: Effects of Unexpected Target Displacement on Visual Selection and Saccade Preparation, J. Neurophysiology, 101(5), 2485-2507.