
Our lab studies the neural and computational basis of movement planning and control with an emphasis to understand the basis of flexibility and control that is the hallmark of intelligent action. From the perspective of behavior, we seek to understand the nature of computations that enable motor control; from the perspective of the brain we seek to understand the contribution of circumscribed neural circuits to motor behavior, and by recording the electrical activity of neurons and muscles we seek to understand how such computational processes are implemented by the brain. Our research interests span the fields of visual perception, decision-making, and the generation of motor behavior and involve the application of cognitive/psychophysical, neuropsychological, and electrophysiological techniques. We anticipate that in the long term this work will be useful to understand the basis of different motor disorders and develop brain-machine interface systems that are only beginning to be exploited as engineering and brain sciences are starting to increasingly interface.


Preparatory activity links the frontal eye field response with small amplitude motor unit recruitment of neck muscles during gaze planning....
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A Stochastic Optimal Control Model with Internal Feedback and Velocity Tracking for Saccadic Eye Movements. V.Varsha et al. Biomedical Signal...
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Neural correlates of goal-directed and non–goal-directed movements. Sendilnathan et al.Proc. Natl. Academy of Sciences (USA) 2021 118 (6) e2006372118. Neural...
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Computational Mechanisms Mediating Inhibitory Control of Coordinated Eye-Hand Movements. Brain Sci. 2021. Jana, S. et al. Inhibitory control refers to...
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