- Basu D., Sendhilnathan N. and Aditya Murthy. (2022) , Neck muscle activity reflects neural patterns of sequential saccade planning in head-restrained primates., Journal of Neurophysiology (accepted).
- Sharma, M., Gaddam, N., Umesh, T., Murthy, A., Ghosh, P.K., (2021), A Comparative Study of Different EMG Features for Acoustics-to-EMG Mapping, Proc. Interspeech, 2021, 616-620.
- Basu D., Sendhilnathan N., Murthy A. Neural mechanisms underlying the temporal control of sequential saccade planning in the frontal eye field. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. (accepted)
- Jana, Sumitash, and Aditya Murthy.Spatiotemporal coupling between eye and hand trajectories during curved handmovements Journal of Motor Behavior.(accepted).2020
- Sendhilnathan N., Basu D., Goldberg M.E., Schall J.D. and Aditya Murthy.Neural correlates ofgoal-directed and non-goal-directed movements. bioRxiv (2019);
doi: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/843011v1[pdf]
- Basu Debaleena and Aditya Murthy.Parallel programming of saccades in the macaque frontal eye field: are sequential motor plans co-activated? Journal of Neurophysiology.123(1):107-119 2020
- Naveen Sendhilnathan, Debaleena Basu, Aditya Murthy. Decrease in within-trial variability contributes to a decrease in across-trial variability of neural firing in the primate cortex during neural computations. bioRxiv 635532; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/635532 [pdf]
- Puneet Singh, Ketan Jhunjhunwala, Albert Stezin, Abhishek Lenka, Pramod Kumar Pal, Ashitava Ghosal, Aditya Murthy. Basal ganglia contributions during the learning of a visuomotor rotation: effect of dopamine, deep brain stimulation and reinforcement. European Journal of Neuroscience.50(8):,3349-3364 (2019) [pdf]
- Verbruggen, F., Aron, A. R., Band, G. P., Beste, C., Bissett, P. G., Brockett, A. T.,… Murthy, A., … Boehler, C. N. A consensus guide to capturing the ability to inhibit actions and impulsive behaviors in the stop-signal task. Elife,8,e46323 (2019) [pdf]
- Sharath Umesh,Shweta Pant,Srivani Padmaa, Sumitash Jana, Varsha Vasudevan, Aditya Murthy, Sundarrajan Asokan. A novel fiber Bragg grating system for eye tracking. Journal of Advanced Research.(2019) [pdf]
- Basu D and Murthy A. Concurrent neural representations of the current and forthcoming movement plans in the frontal eye field during a saccade sequence. bioRxiv preprint first posted online (2018); doi:https://doi.org/10.1101/390658 [pdf]
- Jana S and Murthy A. Task context determines whether common or separate inhibitory signals underlie the control of eye-hand movements. Journal of Neurophysiology.(2018) [pdf]
- Venkataratamani PV and Murthy A. Distinct mechanisms explain the control of reach speed planning: evidence from a race model framework. Journal of Neurophysiology.(2018) [pdf]
- Sharath Umesh, Shweta Pant, Srivani Padma Goggi, Sundarrajan Asikan, Sumitash Jana, Varsha Vasudevan and Murthy A. Method and device for tracking eye movement of a subject. Indian Provisional Patent,201841002316 (2018)
- Prasanna Venkhatesh V, Gopal Atul PA, and Murthy A. An independent race model involving an abort and re-plan strategy explains reach redirecting movements during planning and execution. European Journal of Neuroscience. (2018) [pdf]
- Jana Sumitash, Gopal Atul PA. and Murthy A. A Computational Framework for Understanding Eye-Hand Coordination. J. Indian Inst. Sci. 97(4): 543-554 (2017) [pdf]
- Varsha V, Radhakant Padhi, Murthy A. A Stochastic Feedback Model to Simulate Saccadic Eye Movement Variability. In IFAC-PapersOnLine. 50(1):13521-13525 (2017) [pdf]
- Jana Sumitash and Murthy A. The Influence of Saccades in Shaping Curved Hand Movement Trajectory. Open Science Framework. osf.io/u3dxc (2017) [pdf]
- Gopal Atul PA., Jana Sumitash and Murthy A. Contrasting speed accuracy trade-offs for eye and hand movements reveal the optimal nature of saccade kinematics. J. Neurophysiology 118(3):1664-1676 (2017) [pdf]
- Sendnilnathan N., Basu D. and Murthy A. Simultaneous analysis of the LFP and spiking activity reveals essential components of a visuomotor transformation in the frontal eye field. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 114 (24) 6370-6375 (2017) [pdf]
- Bhutani N., Sengupta S., Basu D., Prabhu N. G., Murthy A. Parallel activation of prospective motor plans during visually-guided sequential saccades.European journal of Neuroscience, 45, 631-642 (2017) [pdf]
- Pouget P., Murthy A, and Stuphorn V. Cortical control and performance monitoring of interrupting and redirecting movements. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Soc. (B) 372: 20160201 (2017) [pdf]
- Jana S,Gopal Atul PA, Murthy A. Evidence of common and separate eye and hand accumulators underlying flexible eye-hand coordination. J. Neurophysiology 117(1):348-364 (2017) [pdf]
- Singh P., Jana S, Ghosal A. and Murthy A. exploration of joint redundancy but not task space variability facilitates supervised motor learning. Proc. Natl Acad Sci (USA). 113(50):14414-19 (2016) [pdf]
- Gopal Atul P. and Murthy A. A common control signal and a ballistic stage can explain the control of coordinated eye-hand movements. J. Neurophysiology 115(5): 2470-84 (2016) [pdf]
- Nelson M.J., Murthy A. and J.D. Schall. Neural control of visual search by frontal eye field: Identification of stages of processing and neural accumulation with a race to threshold. J. Neurophysiology 115(4):1954-69 (2016) [pdf]
- Gopal Atul P. and Murthy A. Eye-hand coordination during a double-step task: evidence for a common stochastic accumulator. J. Neurophysiology (2015) [pdf]
- Sharika KM, and Murthy A. Contextual modulation during the planning of sequential saccades. Journal of Vision. 113(7):1-18 (2015) [pdf]
- Gopal Atul PA., Vishwanathan P. and Murthy A. A common stochastic accumulator with effector-dependent noise can explain eye-hand coordination. J. Neurophysiology 113(7):2033-48 (2015) [pdf]
- Sharika KM, Ramakrishnan A. and Murthy A. Use of exocentric and egocentric representations in the concurrent planning of sequential saccades. 34:16009-21. Journal of Neuroscience (2014).[pdf]
- Bhutani N., Sureshbabu Ramakrishnan, A. A. Farooqui, M. Behari, V. Goyal, and Murthy A. Queuing of concurrent movement plans by basal ganglia. 33(24): 9985-97 Journal of Neuroscience (2013). [pdf]
- Ramakrishnan, A. and Murthy A. Brain Mechanisms for decision-making and motor control. Progress in Brain Research 202:321-45 (2013). [pdf]
- Sharika KM, Neggers SF, Gutteling TP, Van der Stigchel S, Dijkerman HC, Murthy A. Proactive control of sequential saccades in human supplementary eye field. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 110(14):1311-20 (2013) [pdf]
- Bhutani N. , S. Ray, A. and Murthy A. Is saccade averaging determined by visual processing or movement planning? J. Neurophysiology. 108: 3161-3171 (2012). [pdf]
- Ray S., Bhutani N and Murthy A. Mutual inhibition and capacity sharing during parallel preparation of serial eye movements. Journal of Vision. 12(3)17:1-22 (2012) [pdf]
- Ramakrishnan, A., Sureshbabu Ramakrishnan and Murthy A. Understanding how the brain changes its mind: microstimulation in the macaque frontal eye field reveals how saccade plans are changed. Journal of Neuroscience. 32(13):4457- 4472 (2012). [pdf]
- Ray S., Bhutani N., V. Kapoor and Murthy A. Trans-saccadic integration of visual and motor processing during sequential eye movements. Experimental Brain Research 215:13-25 (2011).
- Farooqui AA, Bhutani N, Kulashekhar S, Behari M, Goel V, Murthy A. Impaired conflict monitoring in Parkinson’s disease patients during an oculomotor redirect task. Exp Brain Res.2011 208(1):1-10. [pdf]
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- K.M. Sharika,Supriya Ray and Murthy A, Attention for Action during Error Correction. Progress in Brain Research. 176: 227-244. (2009) [pdf]
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- Sharika KM, Ramakrishnan A, Murthy A. Control of predictive error correction during a saccadic double-step task .J. Neurophysiology 100:2757-70 (2008). [pdf]
- Kapoor V. and Murthy A. Covert inhibition potentiates online control in a double-step task. Journal of Vision 8(1):20, 1–16 (2008). [pdf]
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- T. Sato, Murthy A, K. G. Thompson and J. D. Schall . Search efficiency but not response interference affects visual selection in frontal eye field. Neuron 30, 583-591 (2001).[Full Text]
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